哥伦比亚,墨西哥 / 2017 / 哥伦比亚,墨西哥 / CCTV-3综艺 / 导演:Sebastián Múnera / 主演:主演:古谷辉夫 出云八重子 近卫敏明 三宅邦子 奈良真养 西村青児 野村有为子 冈村文子 / 类型: / 时间:2024-11-18剧情介绍
In 2004, a bomb exploded in the public library of Medellín in Colombia. Only one photo exists of the attack, which was never solved. You can see library staff clearing the rubble. This photo inspired Sebastian Múnera to make his first film, The Tower, a t